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Plus d'informations sur le drone étanche HexH2o



The HexH2o
Features & Advantages
Photography & Video

Shoot fully stabilised video! Specifically designed to carry the GoPro® 3, 3+ and 4, paired with the DJI Zenmuse-h3-3d gimbal, you can be confident of capturing rock solid footage every time!

World First!

The HexH2o™ is the worlds first waterproof production multirotor housing a gimbal, allowing you the ability to capture fully stabalised video from both above and below water*!

Transport Friendly

The HexH2o comes equipped with foldable arms making it a breeze for transportation and storage.

Build Your Own or RTF

You can order our HexH2o kit and build yourself adding your own components. See whats included in the kit below.

Fully Waterproof

The HexH2o is a waterproof multirotor, meaning you can safely fly in the rain or over water. You can land and take off from water and even manoeuvre on the water** allowing you to capture amazing ‘under water’ footage before flying away!

25min Flight Times

Using our recommended twin lipo set up you can achieve up to 25mins flight times whilst fully loaded with GoPro, gimbal, OSD and video downlink and 15mins with our single Lipo setup. More than enough for any shoot.


Specifically designed to house the DJI Naza V2 & GPS flight control system, which can be complimented with the DJI OSD and BTU unit. The DJI Naza is the worlds best selling multirotor flight controller and is used is many popular multirotors such as the DJI Phantom.

Spares & Repairs

Should the unfortunate happen we carry a full list of spare parts. All parts can be replaced or repaired including the body.

What’s Included?
HexH2o kit
  • Painted body (yellow) – all mounting holes pre-cut
  • Foam legs & retainer strips
  • Rear hatch door with retaining clips and seal
  • Perspex viewing dome with retaining clips and seal
  • 6 x Black Anodized ESC heat sinks (frame holes pre cut)
  • Carbon top and bottom plates
  • 6 x Carbon Fibre 16mm arms
  • 6 x Lightweight carbon motor mount assembly
  • 6 x Folding centre arm assembly
  • Electronics tray with Naza and gimbal mounts
  • Distribution board mount
  • Bolt and grommet kit
  • GPS Mount
  • 10x Cable location mounts & cable ties
  • 3M Tape
  • HexH2o sticker kit
  • 2x HexH2o hex keys
  • HexH2o Build Guide instructions

* – The HexH2o does not ‘fly underwater’, however the camera is gimbal mounted and can be positioned down and film below the waterline.


** – The HexH2o can be manoeuvred slowly across calm water.


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